Fairy Tail Wiki
Fairy Tail Wiki

Yuri Rozu Yuri Rozu 3 October 2016

Fairy Tail Chapter 504 Crack

I'll just be starting right away for this one...

Gray and Natsu start to battle it out. It seems that Gray certainly isn't going to change his mind. Despite the fact that he knows Natsu is E.N.D. he still wants to kill him. Natsu doesn't stop either. It makes sense though. They both have goals and they're willing to even fight each other just to succeed.

Oh yeah and Gray still thinks that Juvia is dead... Just wait until he finds out that she didn't really die... Did Natsu think that Lucy died too though?

It also appears that Irene has activated a new spell of some sort. I've got to admit it seems kinda weird. I mean what would you do if you saw a giant eye in the sky?

Right after the eye shows up we see a huge Mavis illusion. I didn't see tha…

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Yuri Rozu Yuri Rozu 28 September 2016

Fairy Tail Chapter 503 The Last Sight I Beheld

Ok this chapter was entirely about Dimaria, Natsu, and Lucy so... I'm just gonna get started.

Dimaria must have a thing for humiliating people. I believe this the 2nd time she has torn the clothes off of someone. Oh yeah and of course Dimaria starts threatening Lucy with torture. She's another one of those villains.

Anyway Natsu comes to Lucy's rescue before Dimaria gouges her eyes out and boom with one hit she's out for the count!

Natsu disappears and somehow he meets Gray. And based on what Porlyusica said it appears that E.N.D. has awakened. I mean she did say "a sinster demonic power" so it has to be E.N.D since it's a demon and all. Plus even Dimaria said so...

I'm very curious now. What will happen to Natsu and Gray?

I thought this chapter …

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Yuri Rozu Yuri Rozu 20 September 2016

Fairy Tail Chapter 502 Mavis and Zera

I might be a bit late with this. Sorry.

Ok so Mavis somehow managed to trick Irene and Zeref and get away from them. Then Mest all of a sudden finds her. I guess Mest will be able to do something to make up for the thing he did with Brandish. Or maybe at least try...

Levy finally met up with Gajeel after she thought he died so that's good. I'm a Gale shipper so you guys should already know that I was happy. Then the little goofy part with Levy kicking him was cool too.

And then Zera's back...for a bit. I'm glad she was able to be useful and help them get back to the guild. I'm not saying that she was useless though...

Man what's up with Natsu's tumor...? I had totally forgot about it until they mentioned it last chapter and now they're saying …

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Yuri Rozu Yuri Rozu 6 September 2016

Fairy Tail Chapter 500 Fire and Ice

Before I start I just want to say 2 things:

1. Sorry for the somewhat late chapter review/update

2. I probably should have known that Juvia wasn't going to stay dead. I mean a lot of characters who where supposed to die didn't die or at least they didn't stay dead. I have no problem with it though. I'm just wondering who will be the person to stay dead.

Anyway Brandish says that she's still going to fight on the side of Alvarez and all that. She's helped them and now she's just going to go back to the enemy's side. Well that's kinda flip-floppy but whatever.

Mirajane and that guy(IDK is his name Jacob?) are still fighting. I wonder how that will turn out...

Natsu and Neinhart are fighting...well more like were fighting... It seemed like Neinhart go…

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Yuri Rozu Yuri Rozu 30 August 2016

Fairy Tail Chapter 499 Gray and Juvia

Man...I thought they BOTH died... I should've known Juvia would do something like that. Juvia cared for Gray so much so it makes sense that she'd want to protect him. Using "Water Make Blood" let Gray live on but Juvia still freakin died! Yeah I'm actually a bit mad...and sad. I didn't want her to die but oh well. That's her fate.

Now that that's out the way I'll get onto some other stuff.

At first I was surprised with the Water Make Blood spell but like I said earlier Juvia wanted to protect him.

Gray's lookin real angry and ready to kick some butt! Well hopefully...

What did you guys think of this chapter?

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