Fairy Tail Wiki
Fairy Tail Wiki

Lucy dragneels Lucy dragneels 29 June 2015

Film review: phoenix priestess

Hey Mina,

I made this film review because I think it is stupid that I can´t find a proper film review on this movie so here it is guys. ENJOY!!!

Phoenix Priestess is the latest movie from the Fairy Tail series, that are written by the artist Hiro Mashima. I still don’t understand how he can come up with such amazing stories and that is why it is widely believed that he is a god of manga and anime. His manga and anime series ( Fairy Tail and Rave Master) are known all over the world and are being followed by millions of readers and fans. But we mustn’t forget that this amazing production was directed by the one and only Masaya Fujimori. The movie is a fantasy adventure drama. The film all revolves around friendship, fellowship and how you wou…

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